MAFA is continuously being developed. To suggest a new feature, or to comment on features already in this to-do list, please go to the MAFA users forum or contact us.

In progress

  • Material 3 Themes

    Replace themes to Material 3 themes.


  • Queue and current track side by side on large screens

    Add option to show the player queue and the current track details side by side on large screens.

  • Browsing as filtering

    When browsing keep hierarchical filtering.

  • Album item information in artist view: don't repeat the artist name

    In artist albums list the artist name need not be repeated for each album item.

  • Bottom player controls with more info

    Larger bottom player controls with more track information and controls.

  • More ways to sort albums

    Sort albums by modification date (newer first) to focus on new additions.

    Randomized albums sort order for discoverability.

  • Option to set priority when adding tracks

    Set priority when adding tracks.

  • Android Auto support

    Support android auto.

  • More sort options for albums

    Add option to sort albums by combinations of album artist, date, title.

  • Files view album art from sub-directories

    Show album art from sub-directories instead of only from the directory itself.

  • Filter term persistence

    Add option to persist filter term per tag type.

  • Remove duplicates in player queue

    Add option to remove duplicate tracks from the player queue.

  • Scrolling navigation improvements

    Improve navigation in long lists: permanent scrollbars, indexed scrollbar when sorted by name.

  • Widget enhancements

    Customizable widget, widget with volume control, smaller widget (without widget service).

  • Tasker plugin

    Support tasker via plugin.

  • Support generic http requests for images

    Support generic http requests for images for tags other than album.

  • Enhance player queue editing

    Add more options for player queue editing: multiple selection and range operations

  • Persist filter in player queue

    Option to have the filter mode open automatically in player queue view.

  • Media session for active player

    Media session and audio focus for remote playing, not just for http streaming.

  • Song rating

    Song rating: 5 stars scale
  • Customizing swipe actions

    Add option to customize swipe actions.

  • Preserve views state

    Preserve view state when navigating not only for views on the back stack.

  • Group albums by date improvements

    Add option to group albums by time periods such as decade, century, millennium for date/original-date tags.

    Add option to reverse the sort order when grouped by date.

  • Make stream url display optional

    Add setting to make stream url display optional.

  • Ignore language articles when sorting

    Add option for removing language articles when sorting lists by name. e.g. “Beatles, The” instead of “The Beatles”


  • Sort recently changed items by date descending

    Add option to sort recently changed items by descending date order.

    MAFA version: 1.9.8
  • Presets

    Add convenience preset actions, e.g. play a random album, play all randomly, etc.

    MAFA version: 1.9.8
  • Album art collage for tag items

    In tag lists items, show a collage of up to four album art images of albums matching the tag.

    MAFA version: 1.9.6
  • Configurable number of lines in grid item title

    Add option to set the number of lines in grid item title.

    MAFA version: 1.9.5
  • Permanent scrollbars

    Option to have permanent scrollbars for fast scrolling.

    MAFA version: 1.9.5
  • Share currently playing track

    Add option to share the currently playing track details as text with other apps.

    MAFA version: 1.9.4
  • Automation interface

    Implement intents to allow apps to control MAFA and send commands to MPD servers.

    1. Select server without bringing MAFA to the foreground
    2. Enable/disable HTTP streaming
    MAFA version: 1.9.2
  • Add/Play-from-here for files

    Add add/play-from-here action for files same as for album tracks.

    MAFA version: 1.9.1
  • Favorites sort options

    Add more sorting options to favorites.

    MAFA version: 1.9.0
  • Search options

    Add option to always start new search instead of remembering previous search term.
    Add option to select from previous search terms.

    MAFA version: 1.8.1
  • Files view show track info

    In files view show track info instead of just file name.

    MAFA version: 1.7.10
  • Consume oneshot support

    Support player option consume oneshot (MPD 0.24).

    MAFA version: 1.7.10
  • Queue save mode support

    Support queue save to playlist options: append, replace (MPD 0.24).

    MAFA version: 1.7.10
  • Add to playlist from queue track actions dialog

    Add option to add a track to a playlist from the queue track actions dialog.

    MAFA version: 1.7.8
  • Queue clearing warning when replacing queue

    Apply the queue clearing warning to the “Play now” action.

    MAFA version: 1.7.8
  • Support MPD partitions

    Support for MPD partitions

    MAFA version: 1.7.7
  • MPD volume control when in background

    Control MPD volume with hardware buttons when in the background.

    (not supported in Android 12)

    MAFA version: 1.7.4
  • Mute and interactive volume popup

    Add mute option. Make the volume indicator popup interactive.

    MAFA version: 1.7.2
  • Option to copy track details

    Option to copy track details from the track details view.

    MAFA version: 1.7.2
  • Album art for cue sheets

    Guess that a path is from a cue sheet to find the album art in the cue sheet directory.

    MAFA version: 1.7.2
  • Option to disable auto-reconnect per MPD server

    Add option to disable auto-reconnect per MPD server.

    MAFA version: 1.7.2
  • Pause on phone call

    Pause playback on phone call.

    MAFA version: 1.7.1
  • Launcher shortcuts

    Create launcher shortcuts for playlists, albums.

    MAFA version: 1.7.1
  • Configure outputs automatically when switching http streaming

    Add option to configure groups of outputs to enable/disable automatically when HTTP streaming is turned on/off.

    MAFA version: 1.7.1
  • Android 12 compatibility

    Android 12 compatibility issues.

    MAFA version: 1.7.0
  • Removing support for Android versions < 5.0.2 API 21

    Removing support for Android versions prior to API 21.

    MAFA version: 1.7.0
  • Recently updated - sort by date

    Add option to sort recently updated list by date instead of by name.

    MAFA version: 1.7.0
  • Custom highlight colors for themes

    Add custom highlight colors for light/dark themes to combine the main background colors with various highlight colors.

    MAFA version: 1.7.0
  • Version 1.6.7

    Bug fixes and maintenance.

    MAFA version: 1.6.7
  • Support images embedded in audio files

    Support command readpicture for images embedded in audio files

    MAFA version: 1.6.5
  • More queue add/replace actions

    More options to add/insert into the player queue.

    MAFA version: 1.6.3
  • Option to use sort variant of tags

    Option to use AlbumSort, ArtistSor, AlbumArtistSort tags for listing albums, artists, album artists.

    MAFA version: 1.6.2
  • Directories first sort

    Add option to display directories first in files lists.

    MAFA version: 1.6.2
  • Simplified navigation UI

    Add simplified navigation UI containing only radio station, albums, and artists. Possibly allowing customization of included items.

    MAFA version: 1.6.0
  • Option to resume bookmark before the bookmark's exact time

    Add option to resume bookmarks at a few seconds before the exact time.

    MAFA version: 1.6.0
  • Accent insensitive filter

    Add option for accent comparison in items filter

    MAFA version: 1.6.0
  • Sort albums by date

    Add option to sort albums by date

    MAFA version: 1.5.3
  • Grouping in inner lists

    Apply albums grouping in inner lists.

    MAFA version: 1.5.3
  • Replace the internal player

    Replace the internal player for HTTP streaming from MediaPlayer to ExoPlayer.

    MAFA version: 1.5.2
  • Volume popup

    Make the volume popup appearance more consistent with Material design look.

    MAFA version: 1.5.2
  • Info tabs customization

    Add option to customize which information tabs are included for each tag. e.g. show album artists under album, remove composers tab.

    MAFA version: 1.5.1
  • Online radio stations

    Client side management of radio stations with an attached name, and image.

  • Option for smaller fonts in list items

    Add option to select smaller font for list items so more items can be visible.

  • List playlist tracks

    Support listing of playlist tracks (currently only visible when loaded to the player queue)

  • Backup/Restore preferences and MPD servers

    Add option to save and restore the preferences and configured MPD servers list to external file/backup service.

  • Option to show date in album and track lists

    Add option to show date in album and track lists.

  • Player fast forward/rewind controls

    Add ability to fast forward/rewind to the player view.

  • Track actions dialog from full player

    Click on the track title to open the queue item actions dialog.

  • Open and load audio/playlist urls

    Support loading playlist URL to the player queue both manually and from open url intents.

  • Comment tag support

    Added support for Comment tag.

  • Track action to add as next in the queue

    New action on tracks and files to add to the queue at position after the current track.

  • Fast scroll index

    Option to show index letter during scrollbar dragging.

  • Moving items in the player queue

    Improve moving items in the player queue by drag and drop.

  • Support additional tag types

    Support for tag types: Conductor, Work, Label

  • Group albums by date

    Option to view albums grouped by date.

  • Dismiss button in player notification

    Button in the active player notification to disable the notification.

  • Fix location permissions for SSID access in android 10

    Better handling of location permissions due to changes in android 10. Required for access to SSID for connection restriction.

  • Support for Always On Display

    Support for always-on-display to show current track and player status.

  • Active player notification only when playing

    Option to show active player notification only when playing and hide it when the player stopped.

  • Album art in files view

    Include album art images in files view.

  • Add album tracks from here

    Add track action: “Play/Add from here” on album track to act on the selected track and all remaining album tracks

  • Restore replay gain mode

    Restore the replay gain mode when connecting.

  • Compact player queue

    Option to show queue list items in compact mode.

  • Dark theme

    Dark theme.

  • m3u files support

    Support for m3u files when adding them.

  • Streaming

    Support MPD built in HTTP stream output.

  • Files sort by last modified date

    Locally sort files by last modification date.

  • Startup view

    Set the default start up view to any one of the top level views.


  • Support volume buttons in android 12

    Control MPD volume with hardware buttons when in the background in Android 12.

    Suspended due to

  • MediaBrowserService implementation

    Implement MediaBrowserService for controlling mpd from any Android application that supports media browsing.

    Suspended due to api limitation.