MAFA is continuously being developed. To suggest a new feature, or to comment on features already in this to-do list, please go to the MAFA users forum or contact us.
In progress
Nothing at the moment
Queue and current track side by side on large screens¶
Add option to show the player queue and the current track details side by side on large screens.
Browsing as filtering¶
When browsing keep hierarchical filtering.
Album item information in artist view: don't repeat the artist name¶
In artist albums list the artist name need not be repeated for each album item.
Bottom player controls with more info¶
Larger bottom player controls with more track information and controls.
More ways to sort albums¶
Sort albums by modification date (newer first) to focus on new additions.
Randomized albums sort order for discoverability.
Option to set priority when adding tracks¶
Set priority when adding tracks.
Android Auto support¶
Support android auto.
Song rating¶
Song rating: 5 stars scaleMake stream url display optional¶
Add setting to make stream url display optional.
Group albums by date improvements¶
Add option to group albums by time periods such as decade, century, millennium for date/original-date tags.
Add option to reverse the sort order when grouped by date.
More sort options for albums¶
Add option to sort albums by combinations of album artist, date, title.
Files view album art from sub-directories¶
Show album art from sub-directories instead of only from the directory itself.
Filter term persistence¶
Add option to persist filter term per tag type.
Remove duplicates in player queue¶
Add option to remove duplicate tracks from the player queue.
Enhance player queue editing¶
Add more options for player queue editing: multiple selection and range operations
Customizing swipe actions¶
Add option to customize swipe actions.
Preserve views state¶
Preserve view state when navigating not only for views on the back stack.
Support generic http requests for images¶
Support generic http requests for images for tags other than album.
Media session for active player¶
Media session and audio focus for remote playing, not just for http streaming.
Persist filter in player queue¶
Option to have the filter mode open automatically in player queue view.
Widget enhancements¶
Customizable widget, widget with volume control, smaller widget (without widget service).
Tasker plugin¶
Support tasker via plugin.
Automation interface¶
Implement intents to allow apps to control MAFA and send commands to MPD servers.
- Select server without bringing MAFA to the foreground
- Enable/disable HTTP streaming
MAFA version: 1.9.2Online radio stations¶
Client side management of radio stations with an attached name, and image.
Option for smaller fonts in list items¶
Add option to select smaller font for list items so more items can be visible.
List playlist tracks¶
Support listing of playlist tracks (currently only visible when loaded to the player queue)
Backup/Restore preferences and MPD servers¶
Add option to save and restore the preferences and configured MPD servers list to external file/backup service.
Option to show date in album and track lists¶
Add option to show date in album and track lists.
Player fast forward/rewind controls¶
Add ability to fast forward/rewind to the player view.
Track actions dialog from full player¶
Click on the track title to open the queue item actions dialog.
Open and load audio/playlist urls¶
Support loading playlist URL to the player queue both manually and from open url intents.
Track action to add as next in the queue¶
New action on tracks and files to add to the queue at position after the current track.
Fast scroll index¶
Option to show index letter during scrollbar dragging.
Moving items in the player queue¶
Improve moving items in the player queue by drag and drop.
Support additional tag types¶
Support for tag types: Conductor, Work, Label
Group albums by date¶
Option to view albums grouped by date.
Fix location permissions for SSID access in android 10¶
Better handling of location permissions due to changes in android 10. Required for access to SSID for connection restriction.
Support for Always On Display¶
Support for always-on-display to show current track and player status.
Active player notification only when playing¶
Option to show active player notification only when playing and hide it when the player stopped.
Album art in files view¶
Include album art images in files view.
Restore replay gain mode¶
Restore the replay gain mode when connecting.
Add album tracks from here¶
Add track action: “Play/Add from here” on album track to act on the selected track and all remaining album tracks
Compact player queue¶
Option to show queue list items in compact mode.
Dark theme¶
Dark theme.
m3u files support¶
Support for m3u files when adding them.
Support MPD built in HTTP stream output.
Files sort by last modified date¶
Locally sort files by last modification date.
Startup view¶
Set the default start up view to any one of the top level views.
MediaBrowserService implementation¶
Implement MediaBrowserService for controlling mpd from any Android application that supports media browsing.
Suspended due to api limitation.
Comment tag support¶
Added support for Comment tag.