2024-07-07 Release 1.9.8 New: define presets to play random album, or all tracks, with options to limit selection to tag values and apply player options. Presets Random album preset Random album edit Added: option to sort Recently-updated items by last-modified date descending. Recently updated 2024-03-02 Release 1.9.7 Added option to stop HTTP streaming when playback is paused Settings → HTTP Streaming → Stop when paused. 2024-01-19 Release 1.9.6 Added a collage of up to four album art images of albums matching each item in tag lists. 2023-09-18 Release 1.9.5 Added option to always show scrollbars Settings → Appearance → Permanent scrollbars in tag lists Added option to truncate the title of grid items to single line Settings → Appearance → Single line grid item title 2023-08-19 Release 1.9.4 Added "Share" action in the player queue item dialog to send the track details to other apps Track share action Added album art to playlist tracks list 2023-07-10 Release 1.9.3 Removed playlist shortcut widget: instead long press a playlist and select create shortcut HTTP streaming: detect network availability to resume playing after network loss 2023-06-11 Release 1.9.2 Automation: added HTTP streaming configuration intent 2023-05-03 Release 1.9.1 Add/play-from-here action for files same as for album tracks Settings → Behavior → Enable add-from-here track actions Files view: added option to keep tracks order by album-disc-track Files by track order 2023-04-15 Release 1.9.0 Favorites: added favorite indicator on list items Favorites: added option to show favorites-only in lists Showing only favorite albums Radio station image: now showing in active player notification and in app widgets 2023-03-11 Release 1.8.4 Fixed: possible crash in player queue Fixed: in some cases player notification and player widget not showing album cover image 2023-02-12 Release 1.8.3 Fixed: possible mistakenly resuming playback after audio focus change 2023-01-08 Release 1.8.2 Fixed: menu items for grid layout appear for views without grid option 2023-01-01 Release 1.8.1 (617) Bug fixes Fixed: date in files and directories not displayed in the preferred format. Fixed: counts display in home view sometimes not updating. Fixed: removing a radio station that is also a favorite not removed from favorites. Fixed: radio station editing issues. Fixed: radio station view not closed when radio station was deleted. Fixed: tag detail tabs added more than once after disconnection. 2022-12-16 Release 1.8.1 Added search history Search history 2022-12-04 Release 1.8.0 Album art as background in the player view Settings → Appearance → Album art as player background Album art as player background Experimental automation intents Settings → Automation → Enable automation 2022-11-16 Release 1.7.10 Added: option to display title in files view Files showing title Files showing file name Fixed: showing reason in disconnected view Fixed: active player notification missing controls in Android 13 Support for new features in next MPD version 0.24: Added consume oneshot support Added append or replace option to queue save to playlist 2022-09-11 Release 1.7.8 Usability improvements Add track to a playlist directly from the queue item actions dialog: Queue item actions The on/off toggle state of favorite and bookmark: is highlighted for better visibility: Actions selection popup MPD server commands: command availability is color encoded for better visibility: MPD server commands Clear player queue warning: now also when selecting "Play now": Clear player queue warning Grid swipe action: increased the activation drag area to make it easier to swipe small grid items: Grid swipe action 2022-08-19 Release 1.7.7 MPD partitions support Partitions in MPD are separate players each with its own playback queue and outputs. Requires MPD 0.22 or newer. If not using partitions you can disable this functionality from: Settings → Partitions → Enable partitions support Read more about MPD partitions support in MAFA Partitions settings Player options Partitions management Bug fixes 2022-07-07 Release 1.7.6 Multi word search and queue filter: added option to search for exact term or for multiple words Multi-word queue search 2022-06-07 Release 1.7.5
  • Fixed: text highlight when filtering lists changing character case
  • Fixed: back arrow not closing mpd server preference activity
2022-05-27 Release 1.7.4 (550)
  • Fixed: crash when searching in Korean language.
2022-05-09 Release 1.7.4
  • Control MPD volume with device's hardware buttons when MAFA is in the background (Android < 12) SettingsBehaviorHardware volume buttons
2022-04-02 Release 1.7.3 Fixed issue with multiple player widgets for different MPD servers Increased limit of radio station streaming URL length 2022-03-01 Release 1.7.2 Disable MPD server auto-reconnect Added option to disable auto-reconnect per MPD server. Select the auto-reconnect interval from the server Preferences tab in the MPD server details view. MPD server preferences tab MPD server auto reconnect interval MPD server disconnected view Album art for cue-sheet tracks Guess that a path is from a cue-sheet to find the album art in the cue-sheet directory ( Settings → Album art → Truncate cue-sheet directory path). 2022-02-05 Release 1.7.2 Beta (540) Disable MPD server auto-reconnect Added option to disable auto-reconnect per MPD server. Select the auto-reconnect interval from the server Preferences tab in the MPD server details view. Album art for cue-sheet tracks Guess that a path is from a cue-sheet to find the album art in the cue-sheet directory ( Settings → Album art → Truncate cue-sheet directory path). Option to copy track details Added option to copy track details from the track details view ( Settings → Behavior → Track info selectable). 2022-02-01 Release 1.7.1 Launcher shortcuts To create launcher shortcuts for albums and playlists from within the application: Long press album or playlist to open the actions dialog then select "Create shortcut" The name of the album or playlist can optionally be included in the shortcut icon. Settings → Widgets → Show name on launcher icon. Add to home screen Pause on phone call To pause playback on phone call enable Settings → Behavior → Pause on phone call. 2022-01-03 Release 1.7.1 Beta (533) Create launcher shortcuts for albums and playlists from within the application. Pause on phone call - this requires the phone state permission ( Settings → Behavior → Pause on phone call). Auto select MPD outputs when HTTP streaming is enabled/disabled. 2022-01-01 Release 1.7.0 Android 12 support Please turn off battery optimizations for MAFA to allow background http streaming and updates to active player notification, and widgets. Older Android versions Removed support for android versions older than 5 (API 21). Added new highlight color options for dark themes Dark themes highlight colors To change the highlight color of a dark theme, tap the selected theme's icon repeatedly to rotate between the available highlight colors. 2021-11-30 Release 1.7.0 Beta (511) Android 12: please turns off battery optimizations for MAFA to allow background http streaming and updates to active player notification, and widgets. Removed support for android versions older than 5 (API 21). Added option to sort Recently updated items by last-modified date. Fixed: startup page resets to default unexpectedly. 2021-11-14 Release 1.6.7 Fixed: recently-updated not reloading on first selection of custom date. Fixed: Radio station editing bug. Widgets auto reconnect on network availability. 2021-10-03 Release 1.6.6 Fixed: some album cover art displayed in lower resolution than available. Please clear the album art cache. 2021-08-03 Release 1.6.5 Added support for embedded album art (MPD readpicture command) Settings → Album Art → Enable MPD embedded album art MAFA first tries to get cover art file from the directory of the first album track. If that file was not found it will try to get embedded image from the first album track. 2021-07-22 Release 1.6.5 Beta (487) Added support for embedded album art (MPD readpicture command) 2021-07-10 Release 1.6.4 Added settings search Added option to apply app theme to the system navigation bar 2021-06-16 Release 1.6.3 New add-to-queue options Add to the player queue at top or bottom, or insert as next, and optionally start playing the added tracks. The selected add-to-queue action becomes the default swipe-left-action and the default add-to-queue action from the action bar. Add to queue default action The last selected option becomes the default action Add to queue collapsed Add to queue options expanded Keep the options expanded for quick access to all options 2021-05-31 Release 1.6.3 Beta (477) New add-to-queue options: add to the player queue at top or bottom, or insert as next, and optionally start playing the added tracks. Add to queue default action Add to queue default action Add to queue options Add to queue options The selected add-to-queue action becomes the default swipe-left-action and the default add-to-queue action from the action bar. 2021-05-02 Release 1.6.2 Added an option to display directories first in files lists. Directories first file view Added an option to use the Sort tag variants for album, albumartist, and artist ( Settings → Tags → Sort tags). Requires MPD version 0.21.23. Settings - use sort tags 2021-04-18 Release 1.6.1 Bookmark resume offset: added more offsets. Search view: added option to not save the last search term. Bug fix: can't edit new radio station. Bug fix: mixed up preferences swipe-actions-haptic-feedback and show-date-in-album-and-track-lists. 2021-04-06 Release 1.6.1 Beta (465) Bookmark resume offset: added more offsets. Bug fix: can't edit new radio station. 2021-04-03 Release 1.6.0 Main screen view: customizable items Home view Home view customizing Home view customized Added: option to resume bookmarks at a few seconds offset before the exact bookmark time ( Settings → Bookmarks → Bookmark resume offset). Bookmark resume offset Added: option to ignore accents and diacritics when filtering lists ( Settings → Performance → Ignore accents and umlauts). Ignore accents screen shot 2021-03-25 Release 1.6.0 Beta (462) Main screen view: customizable items Home view screenshot Home view customizing 2021-02-26 Release 1.5.3 New option to sort albums by date: Settings → Behavior → Albums sort order or from the Albums Mode dialog. (Requires MPD v0.21.11 or newer) New option to apply albums grouping in inner lists: Settings → Behavior → Apply group-by to inner lists or from the Albums Mode dialog. For example: group artist albums by genre. Albums mode dialog Grouped inner albums list Fixed: incorrect player queue duration. 2021-02-14 Release 1.5.3 Beta (457) Added: option to sort albums by date ( Settings → Behavior → Albums sort order) Requires MPD v0.21.11 or newer. Added: option to apply albums grouping in inner lists, for example: group genre albums by album artist. ( Settings → Behavior → Apply group-by to inner lists) Fixed: incorrect player queue duration. 2021-02-01 Release 1.5.2 Improved internal player for HTTP streaming (using ExoPlayer instead of MediaPlayer API). The new internal player starts playback with shorter delay, and works consistently better on different devices. The buffer size is configurable ( Settings → HTTP Streaming → Player buffer size). Select between 1, 2½, or 5 seconds buffer size. The default is 1 second. Detail tabs can be re-ordered. Touch volume popup has new look. 2021-01-25 Release 1.5.2 Beta (452) Improved HTTP streaming internal player (using ExoPlayer instead of MediaPlayer API). The new internal player starts playback with shorter delay, and works consistently better on different devices. The buffer size is configurable ( Settings → HTTP Streaming → Player buffer size). Select between 1, 2½, or 5 seconds buffer size. The default is 1 second. Detail tabs can be re-ordered. Touch volume popup has new look. 2021-01-09 Release 1.5.1 (444) This is a bug fix release for version 1.5.1 Fixed: crash in Radio Station edit when deleting image url. 2021-01-05 Release 1.5.2 Beta (440) Improved HTTP streaming internal player (using ExoPlayer instead of MediaPlayer API). The new internal player starts playback with shorter delay, and works consistently better on different devices. The buffer size is configurable ( Settings → HTTP Streaming → Player buffer size). Select between 1, 2½, or 5 seconds buffer size. The default is 1 second. 2021-01-03 Release 1.5.1 New feature: option to select which details tabs appear under each tag details. New preference: Settings → Behavior → Enable double tap ff/rewind Swipe actions: easier action triggering when dragging outside of item bounds. Player notification: added seek bar and support for android 11 media controls. Fixed: empty external players in http streaming config dialog in android 11. Fixed: wrong action bar theme in player view after changing MPD server. 2020-12-08 Release 1.5.1 Beta (430) Added option to select which details tabs appear under each tag details. New preference: Settings → Behavior → Enable double tap ff/rewind Double tap the seek buttons to move to the beginning or end of the track. Swipe actions: increased tracking tolerance for easier action triggering when dragging outside of item bounds. 2020-12-08 Release 1.5.0 Added support for client side radio stations. An online stream URL can have some metadata added to it such as image, name, country, etc. When that URL is found in the player queue the metadata will be attached to the playing item. Metadata can be added manually or optionally looked up in the radio-browser community database ( Settings → Radio Stations → Enable radio browser). Settings Radio stations settings 2020-11-19 Release 1.5.0 Beta (421) Added support for client side radio stations. An online stream URL can have some metadata added to it such as image, name, country, etc. When that URL is found in the player queue the metadata will be attached to the playing item. Metadata can be added manually or optionally looked up in the radio-browser community database ( Settings → Radio Stations → Enable radio browser). 2020-10-08 Release 1.4.8 (414) Bug fix: possible crash when soft keyboard is opened for search 2020-09-15 Release 1.4.8 Playlist details now showing the playlist tracks. Extremely long playlists may fail to load due to MPD output buffer limit. To edit playlist tracks, load to the player queue then save back to the playlist. New feature: under themes, select between low, medium, and high density of list items. Low Larger font more spaced items MAFA low density list Medium Smaller font less spaced items MAFA medium density list 2020-09-02 Release 1.4.8 Beta (410) Second iteration of 1.4.8 Beta including some bug fixes. 2020-08-28 Release 1.4.8 Beta (408) Playlist details now showing the playlist tracks. Extremely long playlists may fail to load due to MPD output buffer limit. To edit playlist tracks, load to the player queue then save back to the playlist. New feature: under themes, select between low, medium, and high density of list items. Low MAFA low density list Medium MAFA medium density list High MAFA high density list 2020-08-20 Release 1.4.7 Added backup/restore settings, MPD servers, and favorites. 2020-08-13 Release 1.4.7 Beta Added backup/restore settings, MPD servers, and favorites. MAFA Backup MAFA Restore 2020-08-05 Release 1.4.6 Bug fix: in case of both mobile and WiFi networks available, match by net restriction settings instead of using the device's default network. Use Settings → Network → Allowed networks to force connection on the preferred network type. The allowed-networks setting applies to all MPD server connections; in the future it will be possible to assign allowed networks per MPD server. 2020-07-26 Release 1.4.6 Beta Bug fix: in case of both mobile and WiFi networks available, match by net restriction settings instead of using the device's default network. 2020-07-12 Release 1.4.5 New New preference: option to make up arrow go back instead of home ( Settings → Behavior → App up arrow is back instead of home) New preference: option to show counts for all tags ( Settings → Performance → Count all tags locally) Fixes Bug fix: some URLs not accepted from Shared URL Bug fix: connection-fix suggestion not showing Bug fix: some favorites may become un-clickable Compatibility fix: MPD service discovery was not working on Pixel devices 2020-06-23 Release 1.4.5 Beta New preference: option to make up arrow go back instead of home ( Settings → Behavior → App up arrow is back instead of home). New preference: option to show counts for all tags ( Settings → Performance → Count all tags locally). Bug fixes in accepting Shared URL. 2020-06-19 Release 1.4.4 Version 1.4.4 released 2020-06-16 Release 1.4.4 Beta (374) This is the second iteration of 1.4.4 beta adding player controls in the servers list and a fix for filtering by album artist. New features Added option to show date in album and track lists ( Settings → Appearance → Show date in album and track lists) Added fast forward/rewind buttons to player view ( Settings → Behavior → Fast forward/rewind step) Server management view: added option to have player controls with each of the listed MPD servers (More options → Show players) Improvements Player view: tap on track details to open queue item actions dialog Shared URL: strip extraneous text from URL with option to revert to original shared text Swipe actions: more distinct indication of action triggering Fixes HW volume buttons: keep volume indicator showing longer on momentary click Filtering by album artist in AlbumArtist mode 2020-06-12 Release 1.4.4 Beta New features Added option to show date in album and track lists ( Settings → Appearance → Show date in album and track lists). Added fast forward/rewind buttons to player view ( Settings → Behavior → Fast forward/rewind step). Improvements Player view: tap on track details to open queue item action dialog Shared URL: strip extraneous text from URL with option to revert to original shared text Swipe actions: more distinct indication of action triggering Fixes HW volume buttons: keep volume indicator showing longer on momentary click 2020-06-12 Release 1.4.3 (371) This release fixes a compatibility issue specifically with MPD version 0.21.4 (filter expression bug) 2020-06-08 Release 1.4.3 Added support to accept URLs from other apps using "Share Link" Added information about commands and url handlers to MPD server info tab Added option to clear the player queue without warning ( Settings → Behavior → Clear player queue warning) Bug fix: long comment tags causing disconnection. Note that comment longer than 8kB will still be problematic because of MPD input buffer limit. Bug fix: some audio formats not displayed in the player 2020-05-06 Release 1.4.3 Beta Added support to accept URLs from other apps using "Share Link" Open URL dialog Added information about commands and url handlers to MPD server info tab MPD server commands and URL handlers Added option to clear the player queue without warning ( Settings → Behavior → Clear player queue warning) Bug fix: long comment tags causing disconnection. Note that comment longer than 8kB will still be problematic because of MPD input buffer limit. 2020-05-04 Release 1.4.2 Added support for Comment tag New track action: Add to the queue after the current track ( Settings → Behavior → Enable add-queue-next track actions) 2020-04-24 Release 1.4.2 Beta (350) Added support for Comment tag New track action: Add to queue after current track 2020-04-14 Release 1.4.1 New feature: drag and drop to re-order tracks in the player queue ( Settings → Behavior → Enable player queue drag and drop) Drag to top or bottom edge to scroll Drag to left or right edge to cancel Player queue drag re-order New feature: show index letter during scrollbar dragging ( Settings → Appearance → Show fast scroll index) Fast scroll index Bug fixes 2020-03-30 Release 1.4.1 Beta (340) New feature: drag and drop to re-order tracks in the player queue ( Settings → Behavior → Enable player queue drag and drop) New feature: show index letter during scrollbar dragging ( Settings → Appearance → Show fast scroll index) Bug fixes 2020-03-25 Release 1.4.0 Added support for Conductor, Label, and Work tags Unsupported tags are not shown in the UI The UI can be customized to only show tags of interest Fixed: albums grid was not updating properly after changing grid size and title Fixed: albums by-album-artist was not being applied in recently-updated and search Bug fixes More about tags visibility 2020-03-19 Release 1.4.0 Beta (330) Added support for Conductor, Label, and Work tags Unsupported tags are not shown in the UI The UI can be customized to only show tags of interest Fixed: albums grid was not updating properly after changing grid size and title Fixed: albums by-album-artist was not being applied in recently-updated and search Bug fixes 2020-02-21 Release 1.3.0 New feature: group albums by date, genre, etc. Active player notification can be dismissed manually Bookmarks sorted alphabetically Bug fixes 2020-01-02 Release 1.2.9 Fixed location permission handling for WiFi ssid restriction on Android 10 Added album art to media session (used by external media controllers such as Always On Display) Minor fixes 2019-12-08 Release 1.2.8 Added media session to active player notification to allow control by media controllers. On some devices this will enable showing player controls in Always On Display when the notification is enabled in the settings Added "Compact" item to player queue menu (shortcut for Settings → Appearance → Player queue display mode) Minor fixes 2019-09-05 Release 1.2.7 Volume slider made more responsive by updating status after every volume change New preference: option to hide the active player notification when playing stopped ( Settings → Notifications) Code updated to latest android support libraries 2019-08-28 Release 1.2.6 / 275 Bug fix: crash when media buttons used after streaming stopped 2019-08-08 Release 1.2.6 HTTP streaming (only with internal player): Handle media buttons: option to pause/play previous/next from connected Bluetooth headset or external speaker Handle becoming noisy: option to stop playing when headset is disconnected and playing is about to resume from the internal speaker Handle audio focus: stop playing or lower volume when another app is using sound Preferences: Settings → Http streaming Bug fixes 2019-04-14 Release 1.2.5 New preference: Show album covers in files view ( Settings → Appearance → Show album art in files view) 2019-03-30 Release 1.2.4 Selection between Artists and Album Artists view is persisted Add/Play from here can be set as default click action for album tracks ( Settings → Behavior → Album track click action) 2019-03-22 Release 1.2.3 Permission for coarse location is required in Android Pie for the WiFi network restriction to work (can be safely denied if not using this feature). Fixed: WiFi SSID restriction requires location permission in Android Pie Fixed: Restore replay gain bug Fixed: Themes in Android older than Lollipop 2019-03-17 Release 1.2.2 New preference: Restore replay gain on connecting to mpd server ( Settings → Behavior → Restore replay gain) New actions on track: add/play all album tracks starting from the selected track ( Settings → Behavior → Enable add-from-here track actions) 2019-03-14 Release 1.2.1 New preference: Full or Compact player queue display mode ( Settings → Appearance → Player queue display mode) 2019-03-11 Release 1.2.0 Themes: Four light themes Four pastel themes Three dark themes and one black Bug fixes: Various stability and UI fixes 2019-03-08 Release 1.2.0 Beta Beta release of themes: 4 light themes 4 pastel themes 3 dark themes 1 black theme 2019-02-18 Release 1.1.18 Fixed stability bugs affecting: Player view switching Player queue track follower Player view favorites shortcuts Player widget 2019-02-04 Release 1.1.117 / 232 Bug fixes: Fixed bug in two-finger-touch volume control 2019-01-27 Release 1.1.17 Added playlist files support (e.g. .m3u, .pls): Playlist files listed in the Files view Playlist files can be added to favorites Favorites: Quick access to favorites from the player view 2019-01-25 Release 1.1.116 / 226 Bug fixes: HTTP streaming volume moved to Media category instead of Ringer Album art was sometimes not loading correctly in widget and notification 2019-01-20 Release 1.1.16 Added MPD HTTP streaming support: Fixed bug in albums grid change of title placement Fixed bug in recently updated items when no tags selected in filter 2018-12-28 Release 1.1.15 Files and playlists can be sorted by: newer first, older first, or by name Modification date is optional and date format is configurable Settings → Appearance → Date time format 2018-12-21 Release 1.1.14 New preference: select the startup view Settings → Behavior → Startup view Or long press an item in the navigation view to make it the startup view (repeat to reset to default) 2018-12-20 Added to-do list To-do list page added with features in development and planning. 2018-12-16 Release 1.1.13 New preference: always stop streams instead of pausing Settings → Behavior → Don't pause streams Added a new player widget Widgets now have dark and light modes Player widget: dark Mini player widget: dark Player widget: light Mini player widget: light To switch between dark and light widget: click the bottom left icon in the player widget or the left edge of the mini player widget. 2018-12-08 Release 1.1.12 MAFA as a local music player: Added shortcut to install MPD on the device (Servers management) Automatically add local MPD server if installed Added convenience links to app info and play store in the help screen menu 2018-12-03 Release 1.1.11 Fixed: queue list fast scrolling and item click overlap 2018-11-29 Release 1.1.10 / 195 Bug fixes: Possible app stop condition fixed Improved separation between fast scroll and queue item click 2018-11-25 Release 1.1.10 Player queue: Added option to filter by other tags in addition to title Player queue: Shortcut to enter filter mode by double tapping the toolbar Added option to skip tracks using the hardware volume buttons Settings → Behavior → Hardware volume buttons Albums mode: updated to support protocol changes in MPD 0.20.22 Bug fixes 2018-11-12 Release 1.1.9 New player queue features: Filter by title text Move track position Move track to next in play order Set track priority for random mode New volume control: Swipe up/down with two fingers to control the volume Sensitivity can be changed in the settings 2018-11-01 Release 1.1.8 / 174 Albums mode is disabled for MPD v0.20.22 because of a breaking change in MPD protocol. A fix will available in future MAFA release. 2018-10-27 Release 1.1.8 New feature: bookmarks Reorganized settings Added more shortcuts in navigation drawer Read more about bookmarks 2018-10-06 Release 1.1.7 Bug fix: app stops on first activation of active player notification in android 8.1 2018-10-04 Release 1.1.6 New feature: option to show active player notification Active player notification Bug fix: ssid restriction for mobile hotspot fails on some devices due to <unknown-ssid> returned from network info 2018-09-29 Release 1.1.5 Added preference: select the default click action on Track and on Album Track click action preference 2018-09-27 Release 1.1.4
  • Added preference: display current track time as elapse or remaining
  • Added preference: display current track audio format
  • Android 9 (Pie) compatibility: HTTP album art requires clear text traffic permission
  • Bug fix: albums list may not update when albums mode preferences changed
2018-09-24 Release 1.1.3 Added support for AlbumArtist tag if enabled in MPD: List albums by Album Artist or by Album Title (requires MPD >= 0.19) List Album Artists or Artists Include Album Artist in search results and recently updated Local cache option disabled Read more about albums mode 2018-09-22 Beta 1.1.3 Added support for AlbumArtist tag if enabled in MPD: List albums by Album Artist or by Album Title (requires MPD >= 0.19) List Album Artists or Artists Include Album Artist in search results and recently updated Local cache option disabled Read more about albums mode 2018-09-10 Release 1.1.2 Bug fix: redundant connection test keeps running in the background in some cases Bug fix: dialogs stay open after moving to disconnected state Relaxed protocol validations due to reported errors from users 2018-09-04 Release 1.1.1 Bug fix: server status not reset when switching to another server Smoother animation when changing to and from disconnected state 2018-08-31 Release 1.1.0 New feature: albums grid view with configurable image size and title placement 2018-08-21 Release 1.0.9 UI cosmetic changes Bug fix: Bottom player controls stay hidden Various fixes and optimizations 2018-08-03 Release 1.0.8 Bug fix: Recently updated failed with MPD < 0.20 (regression in 1.0.6) Bug fix: Favorites not consistent when using local cache 2018-07-31 Release 1.0.7 New feature: a playlist can automatically set player options when loaded Bug fix: corrected action bar title and icon update 2018-07-22 Release 1.0.6 Added Favorites Added "Replay gain mode" to player options Limited "Recently updated" to first 1000 2018-07-05 Version 1.0.5 released Fixed widget bug affecting Android 8. 2018-07-02 Version 1.0.4 released Added preference for player queue item click action: open track details or toggle play/pause. Added preference for hardware volume buttons to control MPD volume. 2018-07-01 Version 1.0.3 released Added Recently-updated view: list music that was added or updated recently. NOTE: In some versions of MPD there's a bug with listing of the 'modified-since' special tag. It will fail with either "Incorrect arguments" or "basic_string::_M_construct null not valid" Update to MPD 0.20.20 to fix this issue. 2018-06-27 Version 1.0.2 released Fixed bugs in HTTP album art loading. Setting "Max size of album art" to "Unlimited" caused HTTP album art download to fail. 2018-06-27 Version 1.0.1 released Added host configuration for album art HTTP server. By default the host of the MPD server is used as the HTTP host. Since version 1.0.1 it is now possible to assign a different host name for the HTTP server. 2018-06-12 First release MAFA first release.