• Added support for client side radio stations.

    An online stream URL can have some metadata added to it such as image, name, country, etc. When that URL is found in the player queue the metadata will be attached to the playing item.

    Metadata can be added manually or optionally looked up in the radio-browser community database ( SettingsRadio StationsEnable radio browser).


    Radio stations settings

    Radio stations settings

    Radio stations

    Radio stations list

    Radio stations list

    Radio browser

    MAFA radio browser

    MAFA radio browser

  • Added keep-screen-on settings conditions: only when playing, only when connected ( SettingsBehaviorKeep screen on).

    Keep screen on settings

    MAFA keep screen on settings

    MAFA keep screen on settings

  • New preference: SettingsPerformancePlaylist tracks load full info.

    Uncheck if extremely long playlists fail to load the tracks list due to MPD output buffer limit.