Added support for client side radio stations.

An online stream URL can have some metadata added to it such as image, name, country, etc. When that URL is found in the player queue the metadata will be attached to the playing item.

Metadata can be added manually or optionally looked up in the radio-browser community database ( SettingsRadio StationsEnable radio browser).

Release 1.4.8 (414)

  • Bug fix: possible crash when soft keyboard is opened for search

Release 1.4.8

  • Playlist details now showing the playlist tracks.
    Extremely long playlists may fail to load due to MPD output buffer limit.
    To edit playlist tracks, load to the player queue then save back to the playlist.

  • New feature: under themes, select between low, medium, and high density of list items.


    Larger font more spaced items

    MAFA low density list

    MAFA low density list


    Smaller font less spaced items

    MAFA medium density list

    MAFA medium density list


    Smallest font dense items

    MAFA high density list

    MAFA high density list

  • Second iteration of 1.4.8 Beta including some bug fixes.
  • Playlist details now showing the playlist tracks.
    Extremely long playlists may fail to load due to MPD output buffer limit.
    To edit playlist tracks, load to the player queue then save back to the playlist.

  • New feature: under themes, select between low, medium, and high density of list items.


    MAFA low density list

    MAFA low density list


    MAFA medium density list

    MAFA medium density list


    MAFA high density list

    MAFA high density list

Release 1.4.7

  • Added backup/restore settings, MPD servers, and favorites.

Release 1.4.7 Beta

  • Added backup/restore settings, MPD servers, and favorites.
    MAFA Backup

    MAFA Backup

    MAFA Restore

    MAFA Restore

Release 1.4.6

  • Bug fix: in case of both mobile and WiFi networks available, match by net restriction settings instead of using the device's default network.

    Use SettingsNetworkAllowed networks to force connection on the preferred network type.

    The allowed-networks setting applies to all MPD server connections; in the future it will be possible to assign allowed networks per MPD server.

Release 1.4.6 Beta

  • Bug fix: in case of both mobile and WiFi networks available, match by net restriction settings instead of using the device's default network.

Release 1.4.5

  • New

    • New preference: option to make up arrow go back instead of home ( SettingsBehaviorApp up arrow is back instead of home)
    • New preference: option to show counts for all tags ( SettingsPerformanceCount all tags locally)
  • Fixes

    • Bug fix: some URLs not accepted from Shared URL
    • Bug fix: connection-fix suggestion not showing
    • Bug fix: some favorites may become un-clickable
    • Compatibility fix: MPD service discovery was not working on Pixel devices