- Added: support for Movement tags (requires MPD 0.24).
Settings → Tags
→ Movement TagsAbout movement tags
- New: define presets to play random album, or all tracks, with options to limit selection to tag values and apply player options.
- Added: option to sort Recently-updated items by last-modified date descending.
- Added option to stop HTTP streaming when playback is paused Settings → HTTP Streaming → Stop when paused.
- Added a collage of up to four album art images of albums matching each item in tag lists.
- Added option to always show scrollbars Settings → Appearance → Permanent scrollbars in tag lists
- Added option to truncate the title of grid items to single line Settings → Appearance → Single line grid item title
- Added "Share" action in the player queue item dialog to send the track details to other apps
- Added album art to playlist tracks list
- Removed playlist shortcut widget: instead long press a playlist and select create shortcut
- HTTP streaming: detect network availability to resume playing after network loss
- Automation: added HTTP streaming configuration intent
- Add/play-from-here action for files same as for album tracks Settings → Behavior → Enable add-from-here track actions
- Files view: added option to keep tracks order by album-disc-track
- Favorites: added favorite indicator on list items
- Favorites: added option to show favorites-only in lists
- Radio station image: now showing in active player notification and in app widgets