Release 2.0.2

  • Bug fixes

Release 2.0.1

  • New: option for removing language articles when sorting lists by name.

    SettingsPerformanceIgnore articles when sorting

    It is a comma separated list of articles prefixes to ignore when sorting.

    End with a dot (.) to allow an article without white space after it. Example: for L' use L'.

    Sort ignore articles

    Sort ignore articles

  • Bug fixes

Release 2.0.0

  • Added: disable the use of playlist length command

    SettingsPerformanceGet playlists length

    For playlists with many thousands of tracks, the playlist length command can be very slow to process by MPD. Turn it off if opening a playlist causes timeouts or unresponsive server.

  • Added: select album art download chunk size for faster album art download

    SettingsAlbum artDownload binary chunk size

    The larger the chunk size the faster the download is, but it may result in MPD being less responsive during the download on a resource limited or slow servers.

  • Added: option to help debug album art issues

    SettingsAlbum artEnable album art debugging

    See: album art troubleshooting

  • Added: toggle single line titles from the grid options dialog

    In the grid options dialog, click the selected title option again to toggle single line titles for grid items.

  • Bug fixes

Release 1.9.13

  • Added: presets saved and restored in backup.
  • Added: option in server preferences to ping during idle to detect dead connection to MPD server.
  • Fixed: playlists not updated in some cases.

Release 1.9.12

  • Albums grouping: use sort variants of Artist and AlbumArtist when selected SettingsTagsSort tags
  • Fixed: albums art failed for older versions of MPD before 0.21.

Release 1.9.11

  • Added more options for items click-action preferences: No action, and Open action selection dialog.

Release 1.9.10

  • Improved performance of loading album art.
  • Added option to load album art on a separate connection SettingsAlbum artAlbum art on separate connection

Release 1.9.9

  • Added: support for Movement tags (requires MPD 0.24). SettingsTagsMovement Tags
    Movement tags settings

    Movement tags settings

    Movement replaces track title

    Movement replaces track title

    About movement tags

Release 1.9.8

  • New: define presets to play random album, or all tracks, with options to limit selection to tag values and apply player options.


    Random album preset

    Random album preset

    Random album edit

    Random album edit

  • Added: option to sort Recently-updated items by last-modified date descending.
    Recently updated

    Recently updated

Release 1.9.7

  • Added option to stop HTTP streaming when playback is paused SettingsHTTP StreamingStop when paused.